Guest Editor's Introduction, Douglas Kearney
Series Editors' Introduction, Seth Abramson and Jesse Damiani
Will Alexander, To electrify the abyss from The General Scatterings and Comment
Steven Alvarez, tape 3
Emily Anderson, from "Three Little Novels"
Aaron Apps, The Formation of This Grotesque Fatty Figure
Dodie Bellamy, Cunt Wordsworth from Cunt Norton
Anselm Berrigan, rectangle 71
Jeremy Blachman, Rejected Submissions to "The Complete Baby Name Wizard"
Shane Book, Mack Daddy Manifesto
CM Burroughs, Body as a Juncture of Almost
Rachel Cantor, Everyone's a Poet
Xavier Cavazos, Sanford, Florida
Ching-in Chen, bhanu feeds soham a concession
Cody-Rose Clevidence, [X Y L O]
Cecilia Corrigan, from Titanic
Santino Dela, This is How I Will Sell More Poetry Than Any Poet in the History of the Poetry – Twitter Feed (The YOLO Pages)
Darcie Dennigan, The Ambidextrous
Steven Dickison, from Liberation Music Orchestra
Kelly Dulaney, Incisor / Canine
Andrew Durbin, from You Are My Ducati
Thomas Sayers Ellis, Conspiracy Smile [A Poet's Guide to the Assassination of JFK and the Assassination of Poetry]
Bryce Emley, The Panthera tigris
Adam Fitzgerald, "Time After Time"
Sesshu Foster, Movie Version: "Hell to Eternity"
C. S. Giscombe, 4 and 5 from "Early Evening"
Renee Gladman, Number Two of the Eleven Calamities
Maggie Glover and Isaac Pressnell, Email Exchange – Like a Flock of Tiny Birds
Alexis Pauline Gumbs, "Black Studies" and all its children
Elizabeth Hall, from "I Have Devoted My Life to the Clitoris: A History of Small Things"
Brecken Hancock, The Art of Plumbing
Duriel E. Harris, Simulacra: American Counting Rhyme
Roberto Harrison, email personas
Lilly Hoang and Carmen Giménez-Smith, from Hummeltopia
Cathy Park Hong, Trouble in Mind
Jill Jichetti, [Jill Writes . . .]
Aisha Sasha John, I didn't want to go so I didn't go.
Blair Johnson, The overlap of three translations of Kafka's "Imperial Message" – I consider writing (a love poem)
Janine Joseph, Between Chou and the Butterfly
Bhanu Kapil, Monster Checklist
Ruth Ellen Kocher, Insomnia Cycle 44
Aaron Kunin, from "An Essay on Tickling"
David Lau, In the Lower World's Tiniest Grains
Sophia Le Fraga, from I RL, YOU RL
Sueyeun Juliette Lee, [G calls] from Juliette and the Boys
Amy Lorraine Long, Product Warning
Dawn Lundy Martin, Mo[dern] [Frame] or a Philosophical Treatise on What Remains between History and the Living Breathing Black Human Female
Joyelle McSweeney, "Trial of MUSE" (from Dead Youth, or, The Leaks)
Holly Melgard, Alienated Labor
Tyler Mills, H-Bomb
elena minor, rrs feed
Nick Montfort, Through the Park
Fred Moten, harriot + harriott + sound +
Daniel Nadler, from The "Lacunae"
Sunny Nagra, The Old Man and the Peach Tree
Kelly Nelson, Inkling
Mendi + Keith Obadike, The Wash House
Lance Olsen, dreamlives of debris: an excerpt
Kiki Petrosino, Doubloon Oath
Jessy Randall, Museum Maps – Dominoes
Jacob Reber, Deep Sea Divers and Whaleboats – Camera and Knife
J D Scott, Cantica
Evie Shockley, fukushima blues
Balthazar Simões, [Dear Emiel]
giovanni singleton, illustrated equation no. 1
Brian Kim Stefans, from "Mediation in Steam"
Nat Sufrin, Now, Now Rahm Emmanuel
Vincent Toro, MicroGod Schism Song – Binary Fusion Crab Canon
Rodrigo Toscano, from Explosion Rocks Springfield
Tom Trudgeon, Part 2/21/6 from Study for 14 Pieces for Charles Curtis
Sarah Vap, [13 untitled poems]
Divya Victor, Color: A Sequence of Unbearable Happenings
Kim Vodicka, U n i s e x O n e – S e a t e r
Catherine Wagner, Notice
Tyrone Williams, Coterie Chair
Ronaldo V. Wilson, Lucy, Finally
Steven Zultanski, from Bribery
Aaron Apps, "You are only a part of yourself, collected in tangles"
Matthew Burnside, In Search of: Sandbox Novel
Alejandro Miguel Justino Crawford, Egress
Lawrence Giffin, from Non Facit Saltus
Tracy Gregory, For Mercy
Tina Hyland, Google the Future
Kaie Kellough, creole continuum – d-o-y-o-u-r-e-a-d-m-e
Joseph Mosconi, from Demon Miso/Fashion in Child
Dustin Luke Nelson, [Everything That Is Serious Can Have a Filter]
Jeffrey Pethybridge, Found Poem Including History