Christine Hume is the author of a collection of essays, Everything I Never Wanted to Know (Ohio State University Press/Mad Creek/21st Century Essays Series, 2023) and a lyric portrait of girlhood, Saturation Project (Solid Objects, 2021), as well as three books of poetry, Musca Domestica (Beacon Press, 2000), Alaskaphrenia (New Issues, 2004), and Shot (Counterpath, 2010). She has published a handful of chapbooks, including Lullaby: Speculations on the First Active Sense (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2008), A Different Shade for Each Person Reading the Story ([PANK] Books, 2020), and a collaboration with Jeff Clark, Question Like a Face (Image Text Ithaca), a Brooklyn Rail Best Nonfiction Book of 2017.