A. B. Spellman with Kim Roberts and K. Rose Dallimore in D.C.

1517 Connecticut Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20036

The Kramers Poetry Reading Series says psshaw to the weather—let’s hear some verse!

Join us for the Winter Edition of our poetry series, in which we feature three local DMV poets. Each poet will read for 10–15 minutes from their original work. If they have books out, some will be available for purchase. So pull on your snow boots and raise your hot toddy to even hotter tetrameter!

More information at Eventbrite.

Kramers website.

About the poets:
A. B. Spellman was born in 1935 in Elizabeth City, N. C. He attended Howard University where LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka) & Lucile Clifton were among his friends. In 1957, he followed Baraka to N.Y.C. where he participated in the Downtown arts scene as a poet & jazz writer, publishing his first book of poetry (The Beautiful Days) & a book on jazz, Four lives in the Bebop Business—current title: Four Jazz Lives. In 1967 he met his wife, Karen Edmonds, a SNCC worker, & made two brilliant daughters with her.
In 1979 he became Director of the Expansion Arts Program at the NEA, a position that he held for 15 years before ascending to the boring deputariat. After retirement he has concentrated on poetry & produced two volumes, Things I Must Have Known (2009, Coffee House Press) & Between The Night & Its Music (2024, Wesleyan U. Press.) The latter was named one of the ten best books of poetry of the year by two major literary organizations & one of the 38 best books of all genres by another. He won a Grammy in 2024 for Passion for Coltrane & Bach, Jeff Scott’s setting of his poetry.

Kim Roberts is the author of seven books of poems, most recently Corona/Crown, a collaboration with photographer Robert Revere (WordTech Editions, 2023), and the forthcoming Q&A for the End of the World, a collaboration with poet Michael Gushue (WordTech, 2025). Roberts edited By Broad Potomac’s Shore: Great Poems from the Early Days of our Nation’s Capital (University of Virginia Press, 2020), selected by the East Coast Centers for the Book to represent Washington, DC in the Route 1 Reads program. She is the author of the popular guidebook, A Literary Guide to Washington, DC: Walking in the Footsteps of American Writers from Francis Scott Key to Zora Neale Hurston (University of Virginia Press, 2018), and the forthcoming Buried Stories: Walking Tours of Washington, DC-Area Cemeteries (Rivanna Books/University of Virginia Press, Fall 2025). Roberts co-curates DC Pride Poem-a-Day each June with filmmaker Jon Gann. http://www.kimroberts.org

K. Rose Dallimore is a poet, playwright, health equity advocate and restorative practitioner. Her poems have appeared in Rough Cut Press, Anodyne, The Wild Umbrella, and Lenticular, among others. Her plays have been performed in New York and D.C., most recently at the Kennedy Center’s Millenium Stage. Intake (2024, Bottlecap Press), her debut chapbook, explores her experiences living with nerve damage and complex pelvic pain. Rose graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in International Politics in 2022. She was born in NYC, raised in Chattanooga, TN, but she found her people and her home in D.C.