A Reading by Rae Armantrout at the Kelly Writers House at UPenn

Kelly Writers House at the University of Pennsylvania 3805 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104

Join us for an evening of poetry with award-winning author Rae Armantrout at the Kelly Writers House at the University of Pennsylvania on Wednesday, November 6th at 6pm.

Rae Armantrout is the award-winning author of eighteen books of poetry, including Finalists, Conjure, and most recently Go Figure. Her collection, Versed, won a National Book Critics Circle Award, a Pulitzer Prize, and was a finalist for a National Book Award. Her work has appeared in countless anthologies including Best American Poetry, In The American Tree and Language Poetries.

Registration requited. For more information visit: https://writing.upenn.edu/wh/calendar/1124.php
graphic-style book cover with "Rae Armantrout" in burnt-orange block text at the top, "Go Figure" in larger black block text below, patrially obscured by a line-drawing of a larger wind turbine that's front & center of the cover. Smaller line-drawings of turbines are in the background at about the center horizon line, sitting on a darker blue area. The background is sky blue for the top 1/4 of the cover, and the bottom 3/4 are divided somewhat evenly between burnt orange towards the middle, and darker blue towards the bottom. Abstract, graphic-style squares in various shades of blue and white are lined up along the bottom 1/4 of the cover, giving the impression of buildings.