Join Idra Novey at the University of Miami through their Ibis Reading Series on Wednesday, Oct 16th, 2024. Time and exact location TBD. Check back for more information as it becomes available, or head over to UM’s event page here.
Idra Novey is the author most recently of Take What You Need, a New York Times Notable Book of 2023 and finalist for the Joyce Carol Oates Prize, and two other novels. Her second poetry collection Exit, Civilian was chosen by Patricia Smith for the National Poetry Series. She is the co-translator with Ahmad Nadalizadeh of Iranian poet Garous Abdolmalekian, Lean Against This Late Hour, a finalist for the PEN America Poetry in Translation Prize in 2021. Her fiction and poetry have been translated into a dozen languages and she’s written for The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, and The Guardian. She teaches creative writing at Princeton University.
Visit Idra’s website at
Learn more about Idra’s new book, Soon and Wholly, here