Learn about the book Seeding the Tradition: Musical Creativity in Southern Vietnam here.
1. “Zen improvisation” performed by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo on the đàn tranh (recorded by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo, June 19, 2011)
2. “Nhạc Miên Nhạc Pháp” performed by Trần Minh Đức on the đàn sến (recorded by the author, June 5, 2009)
3. “Ngũ đối hạ” and kèn bóp performed by Thầy Phước Cường and ensemble at the Bửu Sơn Temple, Ho Chi Minh City (recorded by the author, October 23, 2008)
4. “Lưu thủy trường” performed by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo on the đàn tranh (recorded by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo, November 13, 2009)
5. “Vọng cổ” performed by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo on the đàn kìm and the author on the đàn tranh (recorded by the author, January 15, 2009)
6. “Lưu thủy trường qua Phú lục” performed by Trần Minh Đức on the đàn sến (recorded by the author, July 4, 2010)
7. Rao preceding “Ngũ đối hạ” performed by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo on the đàn tranh (recorded by the author, February 19, 2009)
8. “Xàng xê” performed by Trần Minh Đức on the đàn sến (recorded by the author, July 4, 2010)
9. “Lý con sáo” (no rao prelude) performed by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo on the đàn tranh (recorded by the author, July 25, 2013)
10. “Đảo ngũ cung” performed by Trần Minh Đức on the đàn sến (recorded by the author, June 29, 2010)
11. “Tứ đại oán” performed by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo on the đàn tranh (recorded by the author, August 5, 2010)
12. Lòng bản and kiểu of “Nam Ai” by Huỳnh Khải (recorded by the author, August 14, 2013)
13. Excerpt of “Tây thi” performed by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo on the đàn kìm (recorded by the author, June 12, 2009)
14. “Nam xuân” performed by Nguyễn Vĩnh Bảo on the đàn tranh (recorded by the author, May 6, 2009)
15. “Nam xuân” performed by musicians at the Lá Thơm restaurant (recorded by the author, November 5, 2008)
16. An excerpt of musicmaking at Ninh Kiều Quán 2 Restaurant featuring Trần Minh Đức, Lê Đình Bích, and friends (recorded by the author, January 6, 2015) [Nihn-Kieu-Quan]
17. “Nam xuân” performed by Trần Minh Đức on the đàn sến (recorded by the author, June 24, 2009)
18. “Người là Hồ Chí Minh” performed by Thanh Kim on the ghi ta phím lõm, Thiện Vũ on the đàn kìm, Quốc Tuấn on the đàn cò, and singers Thúy Phương and Thái Ngọc Lợi (recorded [very poorly] by the author, June 6, 2010)
19. “Trống cơm” rehearsed by the Tiếng Hát Quê Hương Ensemble directed by Phạm Thúy Hoan (recorded by the author, March 8, 2009) [Trong-cơm]
20. “Lưu thủy trường” performed by Phạm Thúy Hoan and her students (recorded by the author, August 17, 2013) [Luu-thuy-trưong]
21. “Ngũ điểm – Bài tạ” performed by Trần Minh Đức and ensemble (recorded by the author, January 6, 2015) [Ngu-diem-bai-ta]
22. “Ngũ điểm – Bài tạ” performed by Trần Minh Đức on the đàn sến (recorded by the author, April 16, 2009) [Ngu-diem]
23. “Lưu thủy trường” performed by Hải Luận on the ghi ta phím lõm, Huỳnh Khải on the đàn vĩ cầm, Duy Kim on the đàn tranh, and Trường Giang on the đàn kìm (recorded by the author, July 16, 2012)
24. Vietnamese terms read by Diệp Tử Khôi [Vietnamese-terms]
25. Vietnamese proper names read by Diệp Tử Khôi [Vietnamese-proper-names]
26. Vietnamese tune titles read by Diệp Tử Khôi [Vietnamese-tune-titles]