Wesleyan University Press is now distributor for Flood Editions

MIDDLETOWN, CT – Wesleyan University Press is now the distributor for Flood Editions
beginning August 5, 2024. All of Flood Editions in-print titles, as well as their future releases, will
be available for order through Wesleyan University Press and HFS (Hopkins Fulfillment
Services), housed at Johns Hopkins University.

Founded in 2001, Flood Editions is a nonprofit, independent publisher based in Chicago, Illinois.
Each year Flood Editions publishes four volumes of innovative poetry, short prose, and art from
the United States and abroad, including under-recognized work from Australia and Britain.
Though the press primary focuses on contemporary poetry, they also publish reissues of lost
modernist classics.

Flood Editions has published a wide range of influential authors, including Basil Bunting, Robert Duncan, Daisy Fried, Fanny Howe, Andrew Joron, and Jennifer Moxley.

Recent books from Flood Editions


Ronald Johnson, Peter O'Leary

She Is the Earth

Ali Cobby Eckermann


Brian Calvin

Postage Stamps

Jay Wright

Wave House

Elizabeth Arnold


Andrew E. Colarusso

For more information about Flood Editions please visit their website www.floodeditions.com.

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