OLIVER EGGER (Middletown, CT) is a Wesleyan student in the class of 2023 who founded the Route 9 Literary Collective: a community of literature from both Wesleyan and the broader community. In addition to this book, Oliver is the editor-in-chief of the literary magazine "The Lavender." His own poetry can be found in Moonstone Press, Oyster River Pages, The California Quarterly, and more. Contributors are: Susan Allison, Sahara Sidi, John Murillo, John Killian, Ben Togut, Alice Musabe, Douglas Martin, E Lenore Milling, Zubaida Bello, Casey Epstein-Gross, Ren Ellis Neyra, Naji Chester-Payne, Jane Hollander, Sophie Griffin, Danielle Vogel, Patricia H. O'Brien, Oliver Egger, Amy Bloom, Sabrina Tian, William Ollayos, Tony Connor, Sofia Baluyut, and Emily Hollander.