New Titles
Creative Indigenous Geographies of the Arctic
Native Celebrities of Nothing in an Existential Colony
James Wright and Translation
Musical Creativity and Intellectual Property in Turkey
Photographs by William Earle Williams
The Assorted Prose of Barbara Guest
Recent Titles
Ten Stories Of Stewardship: Restoration, Rehabilitation, Renovation, Adaptation, and Reuse
Imagination as a Form of Study
Maroon Ecologies and the Jazz Commons
The In-Between in Javanese Performing Arts
History and Myth, Interculturalism and Interreligiosity
Sustaining Expressive Ecologies of Korean Drumming and Dance
I Said That Love Heals From Inside
Love Poems of Yusef Komunyakaa
Essays, Letters, and Poems, For and About One Mr. Komunyakaa
Between the Night and Its Music
New and Selected Poems