Generative AI Policy for Authors

Wesleyan University Press recognizes the benefits and risks of generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing) as it relates to the scholarship and research of our authors across our books. Following is our policy regarding generative AI.

Authorship. Authors are accountable and legally responsible for the entirety of their work. Therefore, AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) tools do not qualify as authors and cannot be listed as such on any publication. The Press will not accept any work that is substantially written by an AI or LLM tool. Poetry books composed in part or in full using AI or LLM will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Transparency. Authors must disclose their use of AI or LLMs in the work they are submitting for possible publication. This must be done in two ways. First, the use of AI or LLMs must be acknowledged by a general statement of such use at the beginning of an article, in the front matter of a book, or in another prominent place in the work. Second, any use of generative AI or LLMs in text, images, graphs, tables, or other parts of the work must be cited as would be done with any external source. Specific citation styles for generative AI can be found in the following style guides from MLA, Chicago, and APA.

Responsibility and Accountability. The author is fully responsible for the entirety of their work. They must ensure that it is original, accurate, does not plagiarize other’s work, and appropriately cites and references others’ work, including any content that is generated by AI or LLMs. The author accepts full responsibility and is solely accountable for any liability that may ensue from the use of AI or LLMs.

We will continue to monitor developments with these rapidly evolving technologies and are committed to adapting our policies accordingly.