Marketing and Sales Information for Authors
As an author with a book being published by Wesleyan, you may have some questions regarding the marketing and promotion of your book. Here is a bit of information that we hope will begin to guide you and answer some of your questions.
We encourage you to promote your book wherever you go – conferences, parties, etc. And please don’t ever pass by a bookstore in your area without stopping in and introducing yourself to the store manager or buyer—tell them that you have a new book out, and that you live or work in the area. Stores often sell more books if the author is from the area.
Scheduling your first Readings or Book Signings
We encourage you to “get out there” with your book, but need to caution you to not schedule any events until such a time that we can all guarantee that books will be available in the UPNE warehouse, with enough time for booksellers to place their orders and receive their shipments. There are often delays in book production that cannot be anticipated. It is usually best not to even schedule any events until the month or two before the book is expected to be published, and we suggest that before you schedule any events that you contact us to get an update on the actual production schedule. Some books run late, and the finished product may not actually be available for a month or two (or more) after the tentative month that we print in our catalog. And while we heartily support your efforts to set up book signings and other events, we unfortunately cannot pay for any associated expenses. We encourage you to sell your books at events when no other book retailer is present to sell books. Contact Stephanie Prieto if you have other questions.
Review Copies
We will take care of sending out Review Copies of your book to publications that have good potential for running a review of the title. We maintain a database of publications, and welcome your suggestions, particularly for publications specific to your topic. This information was part of your marketing questionnaire. When you send us suggestions for reviewers, please note that it is our policy to send books to publication offices, not to individuals, whenever possible. This reduces duplication of effort and expense. Review copy requests are handled by Stephanie Prieto. We’ll send you a copy of any reviews of your book that we receive; please send us copies if you see something that we haven’t sent you!
Comp Copies and Author Copies
Your “author copies” of the book (as indicated in your contract) and the “complimentary copies” that need to go out to readers, endorsers, and those who gave various permissions for parts of the book will be sent out by the editorial group at our Press. Questions on comp copies should be directed to Suzanna Tamminen.
Academic Examination Copies
If you have friends or associates that would like copies of the book to examine for possible course adoption, please tell them to request the book on institutional letterhead, enclose payment of $8.00 to cover shipping, and mail the request to our distributor, HFS (Hopkins Fulfillment Services), P.O. Box 50370, Baltimore, MD 21211-4370.
Electronic exam copies are available for free. Read more about Electronic exam copies here.
Purchasing Copies of your Book
All sales of your book are handled by our distributor, HFS (Hopkins Fulfillment Services). If you would like to purchase copies to sell at events or give as gifts, please contact the HFS Books Department at the address above, or call them toll-free at (800) 537-5487 or e-mail to [email protected]. Authors generally receive a 40% discount off the list price. You will need to pay for your book at the time that you place your order. They can take MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express.
Book Award Nominations and Book Displays at Academic Conferences
Jaclyn Wilson handles everything connected to arranging for books to be displayed at academic conferences, and Stephanie Prieto handles all submissions of nominations for book awards. If you have questions relating to either of these two areas, please contact one of us directly.
Wesleyan University Press
215 Long Lane, Middletown, CT 06459
(860) 685-7711, Fax (860) 685-7712
Jaclyn Wilson, Marketing Manager – (860) 685-7725 –[email protected]
Stephanie Prieto, Publicist and Web Manager – (860) 685-7723 –[email protected]
Suzanna Tamminen, Director and Editor-in-Chief – (860) 685-7727 –[email protected]
HFS / Hopkins Fulfillment Services (Wesleyan’s distributor)
P.O. Box 50370, Baltimore, MD 21211-4370
(800) 537-5487, Fax (410) 516-6998